Adopted by the Student Centers Advisory Board on May 2024
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Student Centers Advisory Board
Article 1. NAME
Section 1.01 The name of the board shall be the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center Advisory Board.
Article 2. PURPOSE
Section 2.01 Purpose
(a) The Student Centers Advisory Board (referred to hereafter as the Board) will serve as an advisory body to the Director of the Student Union and Cone University Center, advise and provide voice from the constituents on the role of the student union Cone University Center as well as operations of the building. The Board will have the responsibility to provide advice and guidance on the vision, facility use and hours, policy, services and space use of the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center and will work with the Director of the Student Union and Cone University Center in formulating and executing the above mentioned duties. In addition the board will advise, review, and provide general feedback on general union programming, union finances and retail, and assist with marketing efforts.
Section 3.01 Membership
(a ) The Board will consist of (19) nineteen members, eleven (8) will be voting student constituency members, three (3) will be voting at-large student members, two (2) voting faculty members, two (2) voting student affairs representatives, one (1) voting business affairs representative, one (1) voting alumni representative, and the Student Union and Cone University Center Director. The Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center Director will be non-voting.
Section 3.02 Membership Distribution
(a) 1 student member appointed by Student Government Association
(b) 1 student member appointed by Graduate Professional Student Government
(c) 1 student member appointed by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
(d) 1 student member appointed by Campus Activities Board
(e) 1 student member appointed by the Leadership & Community Engagement
(f) 3 student members chosen At-Large via an application process conducted by the
Board’s Selection Committee
(g) 1 student member appointed by Student Media
(h) 1 student member appointed by Student Activities Fee Commission
(i) 1 faculty member appointed by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (j) 1 faculty member appointed by the Faculty Council
(k) 2 administrative representatives appointed by the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (l) 1 administrative representative appointed by the Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs specifically from auxiliary services
(m) 1 alumni representative appointed by the Alumni Association
(n) 1 Student Union and Cone University Center Operations Student Employees selected through an application process
(o) 1 Student Union and Cone University Center Director
(r) 1 Student Union and Cone University Center Art Gallery Lead or representative
Section 3.03 Term of Office
(a) The term of for the Board begins on June 1 and end on May 31
(b) Students will serve twelve-month terms. Students are limited to two term per appointing body. Subsequent or multiple terms may be served under a new appointment through a different appointing body(s). Exceptions to this shall be granted on a case-by case basis, and an appeal can be granted by the executive committee.
(c) Non-student members will serve two year terms ending on alternating years. If a faculty or staff member wishes to continue their appointment they can let the Student Union and Cone University Center Director know, and that can be shared in the next request for an appointment. If a vacancy exists, the Student Union and Cone University Center Director can reach out for an interim appointment that will complete the current term. Except that the Student Union and Cone University Center Director shall serve continuously as a member of the Board subject only to the continuation of his/her employment.
Odd numbered year appointments:
- Student Affairs representative - I
- Faculty Senate appointment
- Business Affairs Appointment
- NinerCentral Representative
Even numbered year appointments:
- Student Affairs Representative - II
- Provost Appointment
- Alumni Association Representative
Section 3.04 Appointments
(a) If a constituency organization president is not able to serve on the Board they must appoint someone in their place. Student Members from various offices who may not have a President and/or leader shall be appointed by the supervisor in the office (e.g. Student Media, Fraternity and Sorority Life and Leadership & Community Engagement). Should a constituency organization become inactive, or fail to provide an appointed representative, the Board may, at its discretion, select a substitute member through the At-Large process. Should the at-large process merit no candidates, the Union Director or Executive committee shall have the ability to appoint anyone to the vacant appointment if it is after December 1st.
(b) Constituency organization appointments will take effect at the first meeting of the new Board term.
(c) At-Large members (3) will be chosen through an application process conducted in March of each year by the Board’s Selection Committee composed of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, a representative selected by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the board secretary. Upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee, the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs will appoint the at-large members. If an At-Large applicant is a current officer (Chair or Vice- Chair), they must recuse themselves during this process.
(d) At-Large members will be notified no later than the first of May.
(e) All mid-term Board members shall take office at the first meeting following their selection and shall serve for the remainder of the board year which is June 1st -May 31st.
Section 3.05 Eligibility
(a) Student members shall have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 upon appointment to the Board and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 during their term of office. They must also be in good standing with the University and shall not be found guilty of violations of the Code of Student Responsibility or Code of Academic Integrity. Members must be able to serve a one-year term beginning in June of the term year and be committed to the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center, and their missions and visions.
(b) At-Large members may not serve as an officer of another constituency represented on the board.
Section 3.06 Vacancies
(a) A vacancy on the Board occurs when a member’s term expires, the member resigns, the member is removed as the result of an action of the Board, the member dies, or the member fails to meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this Constitution.
(b) Anticipated vacancies for future semesters should be filled at the end of the previous semester
(c) For constituency appointees, the Director shall inform the Board and the authority that appointed the member when a vacancy occurs and request the name of a new member from the appointing authority. Should the authority not provide a new name, the Union Director or Executive committee shall have the ability to appoint anyone to the vacant appointment, provided that the Union director has reached out to the constituent appointing authority at least twice.
(d) For At-Large members, should a vacancy occur, the Executive Committee will convene and review the application pool from the previous appointment process and select the next qualified candidate from that pool. Should no qualified candidate be available, and the vacancy occurs prior to December 1st, a new appointment process will be undertaken (section 3.04(c)). Should the vacancy occur after December 1st, the Executive Committee will identify potential replacements, and approve a suitable candidate to the position.
Section 3.07 Attendance
(a) It is expected that each member will attend all regular meetings and actively participate in a committee of the Board.
(b) It is expected that each member will attend all summer meetings for which they are available, as determined by the summer meeting procedure (Section 5.02.a).
(c) Two absences per semester or summer without prior notice will call for review of continued membership by the Board and notification to the respective constituency organization’s president.
(d) Each Board member must find in their absence a proxy according to Robert's Rules of Order. At-large proxies cannot be affiliated with any of the constituency organizations that have elected officers.
Section 3.08 Non-Discrimination
(a) In keeping with UNC Charlotte’s policy of non-discrimination, the Board does not
discriminate on the basis of:
- race;
- color;
- religion, including belief and non-belief;
- sex, including but not limited to
- pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, and
- parenting;
- sexual orientation;
- actual or perceived gender identity, including but not limited to
- gender expression,
- transition status (including but not limited to physical transition),
- transgender status, and
- gender nonconformity;
- age;
- national origin;
- physical or mental disability;
- political affiliation;
- veteran status; and
- genetic information.
Article 4. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Section 4.01 Officers of the Board
(a) The officers of the Board shall be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Secretary. The Chair and Vice Chairpersons are limited to two terms in their respective offices. One non-student board member will serve as the Executive Secretary of the board. These officers, with the addition of the Director, shall be known as the Executive Committee.
Section 4.02 Methods of Selection
(a) The Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership in a secret ballot from among the student members of the Board during a meeting no later than the first meeting with quorum. The Chairperson must have served at minimum one prior term on the Board and shall be selected as an At-Large member who is willing to serve. The Chairperson may not concurrently be an executive officer in one of the constituencies represented on the Board.
(b) In the case that no At-Large Members of the Board are eligible to serve as the Chairperson, the preference for the selection of the chair is as follows:
i. Any members that have served at least one prior term on the board and are in a constituent group that does not have executive officers including: IEE representative, Leadership & Community Engagement Representative Fraternity and Sorority Life Representative or a Popp Martin Student Union Operations and Cone University Center Employee
ii. If no member meets the criteria for (i) then any member with previous experience with an elected position shall be eligible.
Iii. In the instance that no members meet the qualification of having served a previous term on this board or previous board experience, the Chairperson shall be selected amongst the Student Members of the Board.
(c) The Vice Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership in a secret ballot from among the student members of the Board during the first meeting with quorum.
(d) Sub committee chairs are also selected by the executive committee.
Section 4.03 Removal of Officers
(a) Any officer of the Board may, for cause, at any regular meeting of the Board, or any special meeting of the Board called for the purpose, be removed from office by the vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present after quorum is reached. Written notice of the time, place and object of the meeting shall be given, in the manner prescribed in this Constitution to the members of the Board and to the officer(s) against whom charges are to be presented. Such officer(s) shall, at the same time, be informed of the nature of the charges to be brought against them, and at such a meeting shall have the opportunity to be heard in person.
Section 4.04 Officer Vacancy
(a) Should the Chairperson vacate her/his position prior to the end of their term, the Vice Chairperson will assume the position of the Chair, regardless of whether the Vice- Chairperson is an At-Large Member of the Board. If the Vice-Chairperson is a constituent appointee, they may continue to represent their appointing body, exercising proper fiduciary restraint should a conflict arise between their constituency and the Board.
(b) Should the Vice-Chairperson vacate her/his position prior to the end of their term, a new Vice-Chairperson will be elected per Section 4.02.c.
Section 4.05 Order of Ascendance
- Should an officer be absent from a meeting or portion of a meeting, their position shall be held for the meeting by the next officer in order:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Committee Chair of Art and Theater
- Any Special Committee Chairs
- Board Secretary
- Director of the Popp Martin Student Union and Cone University Center
Article 5. MEETINGS Section 5.01 Meetings
(a) The Board shall meet on a regular schedule. The Student Union and Cone University Center Director in consultation with the Chairperson will establish the specific day and time for the Regular Meetings. The meetings shall be scheduled so as to accommodate as many members of the Board as possible. Meetings should be held once or twice per month during the fall and spring semester.
Section 5.02 Summer Meetings
(a) The Student Union and Cone University Center Director will determine the number of members who will not be available during the summer. The count of those available will constitute the seated number of members upon which summer quorum will be based.
(b) The Student Union and Cone University Center Director, in consultation with the Chairperson, will propose a summer schedule of meetings. The Board will approve such schedule and determine whether it will include virtual attendance (telephone, email, or both) and/or virtual voting (email and/or web).
Section 5.03 Special Meetings
(a) The Chairperson shall call special meetings of the Board if one-fourth of the membership of the Board submits and signs such a request in writing. The Chairperson shall give notice of the time, place, and exact purpose of the meeting no less than 48 hours in advance of the scheduled time for the Special Meeting.
(b) The only item or items permitted on the agenda of a special meeting shall be those for which the special meeting was specifically called. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all Special Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public.
Section 5.04 Retreats
(a) During each Session of the Board, an Orientation Retreat can be held at any time deemed necessary, the specific days and times to be scheduled by the Student Union and Cone University Center Director to accommodate as many Members of the Board as possible.
(b) By an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Voting Members, the Board may schedule additional Retreats.
(c) No action may be taken at Retreats
Section 5.05 Agenda and Supporting Materials
(a) The Student Union and Cone University Center Director, in conjunction with the executive committee, shall prepare an agenda and supporting materials for each Regular Meeting of the Board to be distributed no later than two (2) days before a scheduled meeting. At a meeting, the order of the items on the agenda may be changed or items may be deleted by a majority vote, except those items that require Board action may be added only upon an affirmative vote of not less than two thirds of the Voting Members unless that action is to elect a Board officer, in which case such action must be added to the agenda prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be held.
Section 5.06 Minutes
(a) Minutes shall be prepared for each Regular and Special Meeting of the Board and be distributed to each Member. At each Regular Meeting of the Board, the minutes of all preceding meetings not yet approved shall be presented for approval.
(b) A complete set of the minutes shall be maintained by the Student Union and Cone University Center Director and shall be available for viewing by the public, subject to the other provisions of this Constitution. An additional set of minutes shall be digitally archived annually and shall be kept in a safe place.
(c) The Secretary of the Board shall record all actions taken by the Board in Executive Session, and those records shall be kept by the Student Union and Cone University Center Director separate from the minutes of the public meetings, and shall be available to all Members of the Board. The record of action taken by the Board in Executive Session shall be available to the public only upon an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Voting Members of the Board.
(d) Minutes of the final Board meeting of the Session, along with any minutes of preceding meetings as yet unapproved, shall be approved upon review and attested to by the Secretary of the Board holding office at the end of that Session.
(e) When the proceedings of the Board have been electronically recorded to assist in the preparation of the minutes, the Student Union and Cone University Center Director shall retain those recordings until the minutes of those meetings have been approved.
Section 5.07 Quorum
(a) A simple majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum necessary to conduct constitutional business at a regular meeting or to hold a special meeting, except as otherwise provided for herein. A smaller number may receive reports and declare an adjournment.
(b) A simple majority of seated Board members shall constitute a quorum necessary to conduct constitutional business at a summer meeting or to hold a special meeting, except as otherwise provided for herein. A smaller number may receive reports and declare an adjournment. The minimum number of Board members needed to achieve quorum during the summer is seven, with at least 4 members being students via in-person, web or phone.
(c) At a meeting of the Board duly called to order, action may be taken only when a quorum is present. It is the responsibility of the Chairperson to determine that a quorum is present prior to calling for a vote on any matter.
(d) A quorum must consist of a majority of voting student members.
Section 5.08 Exercise of the Vote
(a) Except as provided elsewhere in this Constitution, action shall be taken by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Members of the Board entitled to vote on such an action.
Section 5.09 Order of Business
(a) Unless modified by the Board, the order of business shall be as follows:
i) Approval of Agenda
ii) Approval of Minutes
iii) Items of Information
iv) Report from the Union Director
v) Reports from Standing Committees
vi) Reports from Special Committees
vii) Old Business
viii)New Business
ix) Comments & Announcements
Section 5.10 Open Meetings
(a) It shall be the general policy of the Board to keep all meetings open to the press and public, except as specified below.
Section 5.11 Executive Session
(a) The portion of meeting as described below may be closed to the public and press:
(i) A meeting where the rights of an individual(s) are discussed in an adjudicatory setting, including dismissal, tenure, promotion, sanction and investigation of charges;
(ii)A meeting where contractual negotiations are in process;
(iii) A meeting where lawsuits, other legal negotiations, and acquisition of real property are considered;
(iv) A meeting directly relating to campus security or to the safety of students or staff;
(v) A meeting where matters which, if discussed in public would be likely to affect adversely the reputation of any person, such as decisions on appointment or dismissal of an employee or officer, or to hear testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or officer to determine its validity, but no final action may be taken at a closed session.
(b) Only Board or Committee Members may be present during Executive Sessions, except that the Chairperson may rule permissible the presence of any other person as may be required to facilitate the discussion. At any time during Executive Session, any Board member may move to terminate the Executive Session on the grounds that:
(i)The topic under consideration is of sufficient concern to the general public as to warrant an open hearing;
(ii)The topic under consideration does not fall under any of the classifications enumerated in Article 5, Section 5.10(a) above.
Section 5.12 Rules of Procedures
(a) The rules and definitions contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, or its latest edition, shall guide the proceedings at and the conduct of the meetings of the Board in all cases that are not governed by this Constitution.
Article 6. AMENDMENTS Section 6.01 Amendments
(a) This Constitution may only be amended at either at Regular Meeting of the Board, or where necessary by email vote, by the affirmative vote of no less than two-thirds of the Membership of the Board entitled to vote on such an amendment, provided that notice of any proposed amendment, shall have been given at the Regular Meeting of the Board next preceding the meeting at which such amendment is voted upon. After discussion of proposed amendments a draft will be sent to all board members.
Article 7. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Section 7.01 Disciplinary Procedures
(a) Upon receiving a recommendation from the Executive Committee, or at its own discretion, the Board may elect to censure or remove a Member under the following circumstances:
- (i) For failing to participate satisfactorily in the work of the Board or its committees and when the Board so determines that such a failure is inexcusable and impedes the ability of the Board to conduct its business thoroughly and efficiently;
- (ii) For a breach of any of his/her fiduciary duties as a Member;
- (iii) For breach of any of the duties and responsibilities of Board membership as specified in this Constitution;
(iv) For failing to meet the attendance requirements in Article 3 without cause; or
- (v) For breach of Executive Session confidentiality.
Section 7.02 Voting in Censure or Removal Actions
(a) A Member may be censured or removed by the affirmative vote of not less than two- thirds of the Members of the Board entitled to vote on such matters.
Section 7.03 Disciplinary Procedures
(a) All disciplinary actions shall be undertaken in Executive Session and shall be held in accordance with generally accepted standards of procedural fairness, including prior written notice of the complaint, an opportunity to be heard, and an opportunity to inquire of the complainant(s) and anyone addressing the Board relative to the complaints. If prior written notice has been given and a hearing has been placed on the agenda, the Board may take disciplinary action without the Member's presence or participation.
(b) Censure may be accompanied by a written warning addressed to the Member, notification of the Member’s appointing authority, and/or suspension or discontinuation of any other of the Member’s Board related privileges.
(c) The Board, by two-thirds majority, may immediately and temporarily suspend any member reasonably suspected of disclosure of confidential information from Executive Session and access to Executive Session notes in advance of any formal disciplinary action as specified in this Constitution.
Section 7.04 Notification of Appointing Authority
(a) The Student Union and Cone University Center Director shall notify that Member’s appointing authority and shall report the result of disciplinary action taken with regard to a Member, and the reasons in confidence within ten working days of the action by the Board.
Article 8. COMMITTEES Section 8.01 Committees
(a) Each Board member may be asked to serve on a committee during their time of service.
(b) The Chairperson of the Board will appoint committee Chairs at the beginning of the Fall Semester. Only student Board members may serve as Committee Chairs.
(c) the Chair and Vice Chairpersons may not serve as the Chair of a standing committee, but will serve as At-Large Members of all committees.
(d) The Chair and Vice Chairperson may serve as the Chair of a special committee, provided that it is the most appropriate for them to serve as chair.
Section 8.02 Reservation of Powers
(a) Unless specifically delegated to a committee, authority to act on all matters is reserved to the Board. The duty of each committee shall be only to consider and to make recommendations to the Board upon matters referred to it.
Section 8.03 Student Union and Cone University Center Art Gallery and Student Union and Cone University Center Movie Theater Committee
(a) The Student Union and Cone University Center Art Gallery Committee is responsible for the review and oversight of the operations of the Art Gallery and the Union Theater.
(b) The committee’s scope of responsibility and operating guidelines are delineated in the Student Union and Cone University Center Art Gallery Committee Operating Charter.
(c) The Student Union and Cone University Center Art Gallery Lead will be invited to be a member of this Committee
Section 8.04 Executive Committee
(a) The Executive Committee acts for the Board between regularly scheduled Board meetings or when it is not practical or feasible for the Board to meet provided however, that the committee shall not:
(i) Amend or repeal this Constitution or adopt a new Constitution;
- (ii) Amend, rescind, or make an exception to a Board Policy or adopt a new Board Policy; or
(b) Any decisions or actions taken by the Executive Committee beyond appointing board members to vacancies or inviting guest speakers shall be reported to the Board at its next regular meeting, and are subject to Board approval, with a simple majority.
(c) The Executive Committee is responsible for establishing the agenda for each board meeting and for the annual Advisory Board retreat.
(d) It shall serve as the Board’s Conduct Committee. This responsibility entails the investigation of any report of any Board Member’s misconduct. On finding a proper basis for further action, the Conduct Committee shall make recommendations to the Board for Censure or Removal from the Board.
Section 8.05 Special (Ad-Hoc) Committees
(a) Special (Ad-Hoc) Committees may be appointed by the Board with such powers and duties as the Board shall determine, provided that no Special Committee shall be created to act upon any matter within the responsibilities of a Standing Committee. A Special Committee shall act only during the Session in which it is appointed.